The surplus for the year has exceeded the original estimate many times over ; the forecasted surplus for the transition year should reach an all time high ; our huge reserves now cover more than one - and - a - half times our total annual public expenditures ; the government s commitment in the amount of future expenditures for capital works is immaterial ; contractual loans and contingent liabilities are kept well within safety limits ; hong kong government and its wholly owned corporations continue to enjoy top credit ratings awarded by reputable international credit rating agencies 数以倍计超预算的盈馀;破纪绿的未来盈利预测;蕴藏丰厚的储备,足够年半的总开销;对固定资产投资的财务负担所剩不多;有形借贷加上或然负债,仍低处在安全线之内;国际信贷评分持续保持在甲等水平。